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Homemade Cold and Cough Remedies

I’ve been feeling really under the weather recently, down with a bad cold. I’m staying at my Nanima’s house for a few days and she has some old family remedies that she swears by so I thought that I’d share them with you today.

For a common cold:

  • 1 tsp honey – good for soothing the throat
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper – has antibacterial and antioxidant properties
  • 1 tsp lemon juice – boosts immune system
  • ½ tsp hardar (turmeric) – has anti-inflammatory properties
  • ½ tsp juice of grated ginger (optional) – good if you’ve got a runny nose or nausea

Mix the ingredients in a mug, top up with hot water and sip slowly.

Pepper and turmeric tea

For a dry cough:

  • 1 tsp jethimadh churna (ground liquorice root) – good for hoarseness
  • 1 tsp honey – good for soothing the throat
  • ½ tsp ghee (optional) – strengthens immune system

Mix the ingredients into a paste and eat, like a cough syrup.

Homemade cough syrup

For a mucusy cough:

Gargle with warm salty water – my Papa always does this one but I’ll confess that I’ve never been a big fan!


And when all else fails, sitting over a bowl of steaming water with a towel over our heads has always been my Mum’s advice! Hopefully some of these will make your coughs and colds a little more bearable this season… Now back to sipping my tea…